Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Representational, Abstract and Symbolic

In this representational image, you can make out the distinct details of the baby. As a viewer you enjoy the textural qualities of the image. The viewer also understands that this is an image from the real world. As an image of a baby, you make that disctiction, but know it does not represent all babies, just this one.

In the abstract image you have a direct and primal understanding of the image. The viewer reads the image for its energy. The viewer also can make out that the image is of an animal, but perhaps not neccisarily a dog. The shapes add to the interest of the overall image.

The two dots and a line in a circle represents a face. This understanding of a face has been ingrained in people from culture. The does not represent a disticnt person, but could represent anyone. It has become a universal sign and everyone understands its meaning.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if it is possible for this sign could represent anything else to the human imagination. Whether it is a universally recognized sign, but not universal in meaning?
